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Why Does My Puppy Sit on My Older Dog’s Head? Top Dog Tactics

why does my puppy sit on my older dogs head

So, you’ve found yourself asking, “Why does my puppy sit on my older dog’s head?” Trust me, you’re not alone. This adorable yet confusing behavior baffles many pet owners.

Understanding the Behavior: Why Does My Puppy Sit on My Older Dog’s Head?

Firstly, it’s important to know that this isn’t rare. Many puppies do this. But why?

Puppies are curious creatures. They explore the world in ways that may seem strange to us. Sitting on an older dog’s head could be a form of exploration.

  1. Establishing Dominance: Some say it’s a way to establish dominance.
  2. Seeking Attention: Puppies love attention, and this act certainly gets it.
  3. Playfulness: Let’s not forget, puppies just want to have fun.
  4. Comfort: Believe it or not, it might just be comfortable for them.
  5. Mimicking Older Dogs: Sometimes, puppies imitate the behavior of older dogs.

The Older Dog’s Perspective

Now, let’s flip the coin. How does the older dog feel about this? If your older dog seems unbothered, it’s likely not a problem.

However, watch out for signs of stress or annoyance in your older dog.

Here are some tips to ensure both dogs are happy:

  1. Monitor Body Language: Look for signs of stress or discomfort.
  2. Intervene if Necessary: If the older dog looks unhappy, it might be time to separate them for a bit.
  3. Consult a Vet: When in doubt, ask an expert about your specific situation.

Don’t miss this post too: The Best Sleeping Arrangements for a New Puppy and Older Dog.

How to Manage It: Why Does My Puppy Sit on My Older Dog’s Head?

Understanding the behavior is one thing. Managing it is another. If you’re concerned, here are some actionable steps:

  1. Train Sit and Stay: Teach your puppy the basic commands to control their impulses.
  2. Create Personal Spaces: Ensure each dog has a separate area for relaxation.
  3. Positive Reinforcement: Reward good behavior to encourage your puppy to act appropriately.
why does my puppy sit on my older dogs head
Detailed Book on Training and Raising a Puppy
In the world of dog training, this guide stands out. Catering to puppies, adult dogs, and rescues alike, it offers proven, science-backed, and humane methods.

Dive in to discover the secrets to impeccable dog manners, swift recalls, leisurely leash walks, and an unbeatable bond with your furry friend. Truly, it’s a dog-whisperer’s toolkit!

Frequently Asked Questions: Why Does My Puppy Sit on My Older Dog’s Head?

Is it a sign of aggression?

Generally, no. Most of the time, it’s playful behavior. But keep an eye out for aggressive body language like growling or bared teeth.

Should I intervene?

If the older dog appears distressed or if the puppy won’t listen to basic commands, it might be time to step in.

What if it continues as they grow?

While many puppies outgrow this behavior, some don’t. If it continues into adulthood, consult your vet or a professional dog trainer.

Final Thoughts and Wrap Up

The behavior might be a combination of curiosity, playfulness, and comfort-seeking.

But remember, every dog is different. Pay attention to the dynamics between your dogs to ensure a happy and healthy relationship for both.

Don’t hesitate to consult a vet for personalized advice.

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Elizabeth Crane

Elizabeth Crane is a lifelong dog lover who shares her life with a beloved Golden Retriever and Goldendoodle. Known among friends and family as the 'go-to' person for dog-related advice, she cherishes every moment spent with her four-legged companions. Her days are often filled with outdoor adventures and cozy evenings, all enhanced by her dog pals.