Sometimes help for veterans comes in the least expected ways. A wet nose and a furry hug from companion dogs for vets can mean a feel-good moment that can carry you through the day!
Many veterans and members of the military have been helped immensely by having a companion dog as part of their lives. These companion dogs for vets have helped many American war veterans when they return from their service overseas.
Vets are often met with new challenges facing them on the home front and in their return to civilian life. Unfortunately, many of these problems go unaddressed, either due to lack of awareness, funding, or oversight. Even worse, some of these manageable problems can possibly be addressed relatively easily. Companion dogs for vets are one such solution.
Fortunately, not all veterans will face physical or mental hardships upon their return stateside, but that does not mean the adjustment back to civilian life is always a simple or easy transition. In fact, many who escape the brunt of psychological problems still face day-to-day challenges at home.

Companion Dogs for Vets Bring Loyalty and Love
For returning veterans who do not need the highly trained talents of a therapy dog, there are still options available to ensure that their transition back to daily life is smooth. Think of your childhood, or that of your kids, with the family pet. Pets are lifelong companions, friends, and loyal family members who provide unconditional love at all times.
Just like many rely on their family pet after a long day at work, or to cope and relax during a particularly stressful situation, so too do American servicemen and women returning home from their service. The stress placed on soldiers is obviously greater than some of the daily stresses that many take to their pets; naturally, a companion dog is a great choice for a returning veteran.

Stability and Strength for Veterans through Dogs
More than anything, a companion dog provides an American war veteran the strength, love, loyalty and emotional support they have been so lacking in so many instances during their service. From acting as a guard against depression, to actively working as a valued member of the new family, companion dogs are an easy choice for love and support.
In some cases, companion dogs may also provide distinct support and service. As trained dogs, some companion dogs can function as helpers for veterans returning with disabilities or other physical or mental impairments. Service and companion dogs provide guided therapy to these soldiers and once home can provide them a companion to call family and friend.
Additionally, if a dog is designated a service dog, they are allowed to accompany their owner in all areas of public life. Because they are specially trained, service dogs can function in stores and other areas of public life to work with their masters. Note, though, that simple companion dogs are not allowed in public places.
In public or not, though, companion dogs are a reliable source of stability for returning veterans. They come eager to provide love, support, and loyalty beyond anything imaginable and are heroes in their own way.
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